My First Post: Hope and Vampire Bunny Rabbits

Saturday, June 27, 2009

5 Chiming In

So, here I am with my very first blog post on my very first blog. Which means I'm most likely talking to my very own self and no one else. That's fine, maybe others will come later. I'll just pretend I have an audience and see what happens.

Since this is Post #1, I guess I should start with the basics.

1. Who am I?

I am me.
Not what you meant? Fine...

I am a writer. Soon, I hope to add "published" to that designation, but for now I'll go with what I've got.

I've been a writer since before I could write... don't give me that look, it's possible. I had stories in my head that wanted to be told, so I chattered them into my "My First Sony" tape recorder with its chunky red microphone attached. Don't worry, I won't subject you to the horrors of Hawaiian Dave, although it was a masterpiece when I was three.

2. Why the Blog?

If no one knows me then there's no reason they should want to read it, right? The hope is that people will know my name enough to want to Google it and maybe meander their way over here. If they do, then that means the advice I was given was sound advice. Said advice being that writers should have a blog or website or both. Since Blogger is blessedly free, the blog comes first.

3. What will you put here?

I don't know yet. There will most likely be things about my book(s) as they are written and get finished, but I won't make that the sole subject here. I don't want to bore anyone who pops in by only talking about myself... shush... first posts don't count.

4. So, what do you write?

I write books... Didn't we just cover this?

More specifically, my first finished novel is a vampire novel. Yes -- vampires.

I like vampires, and much to my mother's shock and disappointment, that's not likely to change. (Though it's her fault, she's the one who bought me Bunnicula as a kid. And I maintain that the vegetable juice sucking rabbit is where the obsession started.)

However, there are enough vampires in the world at the moment, so that book shall stay in its coffin.

Now that we have reached the end of my first post, hopefully the first of many, I've just realized how many times I've used variations of "hope" in this space... shocking.